Camille Norment

Lave (series), 2008 - 2009
Lave 1 and 3: 37 x 54 cm, india ink on acetate with optical Film, glass, mirror, and glass frame
Lave 2: 52 x 106 cm, india ink on acetate with optical Film, glass, mirror, and glass frame

Lave 1:
Lave 2::--- - -
Lave 3:-- -



2009, Camille Norment - Trip Light
Solo Exhibition
September Gallery, Berlin , Germany

These delicate, layered atmospheres bear a dust-like, fog, or erosion-like presence made from tiny points of ink on the transparent and reflective surfaces. The pattern is suggestive of a layered composition of rhythm. The title definition simultaneously references 'reside' or 'something left behind', and 'cleansing the body'. The works bear the distorting beauty of a thickened air and the detailed disturbance of historical residue while formally engaging the viewer on multiple levels of focus, depth, and reflection.




© Camille Norment Studio